Viking Wire Bracelet


    Recently a discussion came up about how the Viking wire bracelets were made and if they were braided on some type of loom. They were actually just twisted in a clever manner to imitate braiding. These pictures show how one of the examples was done.

    Heres an original bracelet I chose at random from the various hoards.



    Heres my reproduction in copper. I left the ends unraveled, but you get the idea.

    another view


    Here you can see that it is simply 4 double twists.

    4 pair twist


    Example of terminals


    Heres a close-up of a soldered, forged, and chased terminal.

    Terminal example 2


    Here are some simpler ones with other terminal designs. These are just tapered, twisted pair. Kindof hard to see (the original pic was small) but I think you get the idea.